Note: We Have added some additional weigh-in options for wrestlers. Please note that wrestlers that weigh in during these additional (***) times will be assessed a $20 cash fee.
Friday, April 25
***1:30-3:00 p.m. - Early Weigh Ins (Individual Tournament - All Age Groups) - $20 fee per wrestler (cash only) - Highlands Sports Complex
4:00-8:00 pm - Standard Weigh Ins (Individual Tournament) - Highlands Sports Complex (no fee)
Saturday, April 26
***Saturday, April 26 - 7:00-7:30 a.m. - Late Individual Weigh-Ins (Bantam, Midget, Junior, Elite, Open, Veterans and Girls only) - $20 fee per wrestler (cash only) - Highlands Sports Complex
***Saturday, April 26 - 11:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon - Late Individual Weigh-Ins (Schoolboy and Cadet) - $20 fee per wrestler (cash only) - Highlands Sports Complex
Saturday, April 26 - 3:00-6:00 PM - Standard Dual Meet Wrestlers Weigh Ins - Highlands Sports Complex - No Fee (Dual Meet Only wrestlers MAY weigh in on Friday night, for a $20 fee).
Saturday, April 26 - 3:00-6:00 PM - Standard Dual Meet Wrestlers Weigh Ins - Highlands Sports Complex - No Fee (Dual Meet Only wrestlers MAY weigh in on Friday night, for a $20 fee*)
*If you are doing Duals Only and wish to weigh in from 1:30-3:00 on Friday, then the fee would be $40, as you are weighing in early for your division and also taking part in the early weigh-ins.
***Sunday, April 27 - 7:00-7:30 a.m. - Late Dual Meet Only Weigh-Ins- $20 fee per wrestler (cash only) - Highlands Sports Complex
*Note: If a wrestler competes in both the Individual and Dual Meet Events, his weigh in on Friday night will count for the Duals as well.
Approximate time schedule for the Individual Age Groups on Saturday (an actual time schedule will be published after entries have closed). Age groups/weight classes will be assigned a certain Session and start time within the times below. Generally, any weight class completes their wrestling within a three hour, or less, time period.
Saturday, April 26 - Individual Tournament
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Bantam, Midget, Junior, Elite, Open, Veteran's and Girls
3:00 PM - 9:30 PM - Schoolboy & Cadet
Sunday, April 27 - Dual Meet Tournament
8:00 AM-5:00 PM - Team Duals
****The following were the estimated start times for this past year. Note: There is no way to know the estimated times that will be used for the current year, until registration has shut off and mat assignments have been determined. The estimated start times will be posted by the Thursday prior to the event.
Due to the success of the "clustering" method that we started using in 2019, we will again be running it again this year. Instead of assigning a weight to a particular mat, a "cluster of weights" are assigned to a group of mats (side by side). Since 2019, this allowed for us to be able to get folks in and out quicker. In fact, most weights were completed in less than 3 hours.
However, we will start the younger Age Groups off in the first two session, so that all Bantam, Midget, Junior and first two Girl's Divisions wrestlers should be done prior to 4:30 pm. The Elite and Open Divisions will also run in the morning waves. Schoolboy and Cadet wrestling will run anywhere from 2:30-9 pm.
Again, once final numbers are known, we will post that information here (Thursday before the event).